From Mindfulness to Heartfulness

A Guide to inner peace

Connect to your inner child


Meditation 1

Connect to your inner child

Chapter 3

In this guided meditation we will access our subconscious mind connecting to our inner child. Through this practice, we will be able to reconnect to the purity and innocence that resides inside all of us.

Connect to your center

Meditation 2

Connect to your center

Chapter 4

In this guided meditation we will come back to our center, the now, the present moment, a clear state of being. By being in our center, we can make decisions without getting carried away and gain perspective on situations that may be causing us imbalance.

Release Anger

Meditation 3

Release anger

Chapter 5

In this guided meditation we will release the emotion of anger that can sometimes block us and blur our minds. It is natural to experience anger at times, and repressing it only leads to a bigger spiral that eventually manifests itself one way or another pouring onto our surroundings.

Release Fear

Meditation 4

Release fear

Chapter 5

In this guided mediation we will recognize, accept, and transmute the emotion of fear. Fear is one of those emotions that keep us away from accessing our true inner self and sharing with the world who we truly are.

Release Guilt

Meditation 5

Release guilt

Chapter 6

In this guided meditation we will connect to the emotion of guilt realizing how it leads us to repeat certain patterns in our life without realizing it. By releasing guilt we accept ourselves, forgive ourselves, let go of the past, and move on to a better version of ourselves.

Release Judgment

Meditation 6

Release judgment

Chapter 6

In this guided meditation we will unmask and release judgment, that which comes from Ego. We will become aware of how we judge ourselves and others, and the true reason why we do it.

Release attachment

Meditation 7

Release attachment

Chapter 7

In this guided meditation we will recognize the attachments we experience on a mental, emotional, and physical level. In order to release them we must first identify them, accepting where this attachment comes from.

Connect to your heart

Meditation 8

Connect to your heart and love

Chapter 8

In this guided meditation we will access the power of love that resides in our heart. That divine intelligence that knows where and what to do for the best. Connecting to our hearts unravels a whole world of consciousness.

Connect to abundance

Meditation 9

Connect to abundance

Chapter 9

In this guided meditation we will connect to abundance, the true meaning. We are abundant from the moment we come to earth but our mind tricks us into a ‘lack’ mindset ruled by fear due to many sociocultural factors.

Connect to your truth

Meditation 10

Connect to your truth

Chapter 10

In this guided meditation we will unlock all that we keep inside and need to express: our true voice, our authentic code.

Release the Ego

Meditation 11

Release the Ego

Chapter 11

In this guided meditation we will reach a point where we understand that we are all divinity experiencing itself through a particular lens.

From Mindfulness to Heartfulness

Powerful online course to access your full potential and inner peace
through the art of Mindfulness & Heartfulness

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